Two large CELEBRATIONS took place at BHM and in the country of Haiti this week.
Schools were cancelled and businesses were closed as people celebrated all day long. Children participated in parades, and friends and family gathered together on this special day. The Haitian flag is one of the primary symbols of freedom for the country. The flag is a symbol of pride, unity, and personal liberty in Haiti. Flag Day was not the only day celebrations were taking place this past week.
Second: First Presbyterian Church of Delray Beach, FL sent a team of 12 adults to work alongside BHM and build houses throughout the mountains of Haiti. This fun-loving team worked extremely hard and built 3 houses!
The means of travel and the journey to each house was far from easy. However, the reward of seeing a home finished for a precious family and knowing their lives are changed forever was worth every minute of labor.
The team from Delray Beach enjoyed interacting with the families of whom they were building the houses for as well as learning a lot about the country of Haiti.
"I was encouraged to hear the story of the family I was able to build a house for," said Patricia. "They told me about the earthquake of 2010 and how they watched their house collapse yet, they were not injured at all. It was refreshing to hear the stories of those who the Lord saved from this horrific event, and not just all the negative stories we hear from the news."
Wednesday afternoon the team gathered with the new homeowners and spent time thanking God for His faithfulness, and celebrating the completion of these new homes!
Thank you God, for a week of celebration!
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